Optimization (MATH 164), Winter 2025.

This is the primary course website for Optimization (MATH 164), Spring 2024.


  • 02.14. In-class midterm exam. The exam is open-book in the sense that you may use any non-electronic (hand-written or printed) resource.


There will be several assignments involving both theoretical and computational exercises. Submit through Bruin Learn.

  1. Homework 1, Deadline 01.24, wideMinima.py.
  2. Homework 2, Deadline 02.07.
  3. Homework 3, Deadline 02.12.
  4. Homework 4, Deadline 03.07.

Course Information


Ernest K. Ryu, Mathematical Sciences 7619B,
Office hours: Wednesday 11:00am–12:30pm

Photo of Ernest Ryu

Teaching Assistant

Yunuo Chen
Office hours: Thursday 1:00–2:30pm at MS 3957


Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00–10:50am at Mathematical Sciences 5118.


This class will have in-person midterm and final exams.

  • Midterm exam: 02/14, 10:00–10:50am at Mathematical Sciences 5118. Exam file.
  • Final exam: 03/20, 3:00–6:00pm, Location TBD.


Homework 30%, midterm exam 30%, final exam 40%.

Course Overview

Fundamentals of optimization. Linear programming: basic solutions, simplex method, duality theory. Unconstrained optimization, Newton method for minimization. Nonlinear programming, optimality conditions for constrained problems. Additional topics from linear and nonlinear programming.


Enforced requisites: courses 115A, 131A. Not open for credit to students with credit for former Electrical Engineering 136. Basic knowledg of programming at the level of variables, loops, and functions is required.

Homework deadline and extensions

All homework deadlines are provided with blanket 48-hour extensions. That is, if an assignment is due on Friday, it can be submitted without penalty until Sunday.

Limitations on accommodations

The nature of this class makes it impossible for me to provide additional extensions to any homework beyond the automatic 48-hour homework extension provided to all students. If your CAE accommodation includes extra time to complete homeworks, and you are unable to meet a posted homework deadline, then you should speak with me during a class or office hour, and I will provide you with a reduced set of homework questions you may instead complete to receive full credit for the homework. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to respond in time to requests made over email or using Piazza. I am not able to provide a makeup midterm exam. If you miss the midterm exam for the class for an allowed reason, then your final exam grade will be increased to 65% of your final score. I cannot provide a makeup final exam for the class even if a student misses the final exam for an allowed reason.


This class will not use a textbook and will instead rely on my lecture slides.